Visa & Security
Visa & Security

Visa Support

According to your country of origin, you may need a VISA to be allowed into Korea to SOFURN&LIFESHOW 2023
Check this page for detailed information :

Please note:

* VISA issuance is beyond our control and we are not liable for costs of processing and/or issuance of VISAs.

* KFFIC, the organizer of KOFURN, can send the original VISA invitation letter, provided that you cover all the costs.

* VISA letter form is a little different each country, you should search your suitable form on your Embassy.


KOFURN organizer is paying serious attention to the security situation to the its guests, exhibitors and visitors.

We closely coordinate the security concept for KOFURN, with the responsible authorities.
These measures include visual inspections and spot checks of baggage taken into the exhibition grounds.
The control measures are adjustable and can be adapted at short notice after consultations with the security forces.

In order to avoid waiting times, we request that you leave at home any baggage
that is not absolutely necessary for your visit to the trade fair.

Travel & Accommodation

Suggest the location of nearby tourist attractions and hotels